The authors
Ellis (Laurent Mallet) : idea and code
Johannes (Johannes Hirche) : code
Iceman (Thomas Lund) : code, CVS, RPM's
Hcl (Luc Saillard) : configure
Gollum (Julien Frelat) : idea and old code
Chris (Christian Cougourdan) : tracks design
BvF (Bruno Van Frachem) : web page
un site
sur Linux
Forums, Aides
The IIE++ page
The Space Racer project was initiated by some students from the IIE (Institut d'Informatique d'Entreprise),
a French engineering highschool in computer sciences. Here is the programmers'club...
The Web! page ...and here is the webmasters'one.
The Boycott page
Here on Emu5ever you will find our Gameboy
emulator Boycott...
Join us !
If you are interested in the building of our project,
Contact us by
sending a mail
Write code
Discuss on the mailing list about what you would like to do.
Design tracks
You know 3d studio or other tools ; wait a bit, we are writing programs to interface with these tools.
Write documentation
Help us to write documentation... It will be great for beginners on this project. The format we adopted is the Doc Book SGML.
Compose music
Prepare your MP3 themes...